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Ways on how to Avoid Covid-19

We already suffered enough, and it's time for us to act now. As the coronavirus continues to evolve and mutate, we as humans need to show our dominance. The purpose of this site is to educate you on how to protect yourself and the persons that are close to you from coronavirus disease. Our only goal is to keep you safe from coronavirus disease and make this world a better place by sharing some ways.

Wearing A mask

Masks should be used as part of a broader plan to stop the spread of disease and save lives. Make wearing a mask an everyday thing while you're with other people.

Washing Hands

Handwashing can help you stay healthy by preventing the spread of respiratory and diarrheal diseases from one person to the next.


Disinfection practices are essential in non-healthcare environments, such as the home, office, schools, gyms, publicly accessible buildings, faith-based community centers, marketplaces, transportation, and business settings like restaurants, to limit the risk of COVID-19 virus contamination.

Physical Distancing

COVID-19 transmission is limited by physical distancing, which involves keeping a space of at least 1 meter between each other and avoiding spending time in crowded places or in groups.

Respiratory Etiquette

These are infection-prevention strategies intended to reduce the spread of respiratory infections through droplet or airborne pathways.

Get Vaccinated

Vaccines contain weakened or inactive parts of a specific organism (antigen), which causes an immune response in the body.

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